Monday, April 20, 2009

What happened?

I haven't seen something this pure in all my life. The worlds most popular band of all time playing like no one's opinion matters. It's always been mind boggling to me how a band this popular with such an absurd amount of fans was able to constantly make whatever kind of music they want and not let the pressure of their fame, fans or label get to them. They constantly pushed the boundaries and in a way turned their backs on everyone's expectations in order to exceed them. Maybe they just couldn't comprehend the magnitude of what they were doing. Here's the world's most popular band in a studio with anything imaginable at their disposal and John is sitting on the floor as if oblivious to the fact that the music that he is making is changing the world as we know it (even to this day).

Something clearly has been lost over the years. Musicians have become slaves to other people's expectations. How is anything ever going to advance in music again if all of the musicians keep writing music to appeal to everyone?

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